Nifty Fifty

At approximately 6:43 last night I hit the magical fifty thousand word mark for NaNoWriMo. That’s fifty thousand words in twenty-two days which works out to an average of…two thousand, two hundred, seventy-two words (plus point seventy-two repeating) per day. That’s a fun average, considering that the first day I wrote something like five or six hundred words, and there were many days where I only wrote the minimun average, which is 1,667. Obviously, on a few days here and there I exceeded the minimun, as on the 21st, when I wrote eight thousand.

This means that, were I to stop writing now, I would still officially win the challenge. The story is not done, though, so I push on. I’m really hoping to finish this thing by midnight on the 30th. I don’t know how it’s supposed to end, though, so it’s hard to say. This reminds me of a joke I’ve heard among the fantasy and sci-fi crowd being that the way to please a publisher is to write a trilogy, as it ensures sales for three books instead of just one. Personally, I’ll be happy if I’m able to finish writing a single book without having to worry about what might come next. Whether I or anyone else wants to read this after I’m done is an entirely different matter altogether.

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