Floral Niftiness



I wish I’d gotten that butterfly with its wings open, but you can’t have everything, now can you? Especially when you take a photo from your driver’s seat while waiting to make a left turn across two lanes of traffic. I shot this on my way out of work today. The big victory was rescuing it from the incorrect white balance setting I shot it at, which made the whole thing look visibly blue. Someone who knows more can probably easily tell I fiddled with the settings, but it’s still much better than how it looked as originally shot. Digital has some big advantages, yes indeed, and I’m slowly finding out how to make the most of them.

4 thoughts on “Floral Niftiness

  1. If you’re referring to me, you are incorrect – I ain’t never seen it. Shiny is just my word for pretty sometimes. I am a rather huge fan of actual fireflies though – can you get me some pictures of those?

  2. I stand corrected. I figured it was too much of a coincidence. I have a friend at work who loves the show and uses that word sometimes. She’s the one who taught it to me. I’ve yet to see the show myself.

    Fireflies, now there’s a good thought on a photo subject. *sigh* Really do need that macro lens…

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