Crispy, Part 3 8/17/09

I like to do a little light reading while I'm working on the engine.  Come on, you can't tell me you don't!

I like to do a little light reading while I'm working on the engine. Come on, you can't tell me you don't!

Monday night was back to work on the Crispy Project – getting the Chevelle ready to film the zombie killing scene for the local no-budget movie “8 Wheels of Death.” I had to really crank on it if I was going to get it done by Wednesday night. That book on the air cleaner has diagrams of where the wires go. When they get all burnt up like this you gotta go back to the original plans and figure out where the shiny new wire goes to replace it. I don’t have all that crap memorized. I’m good, but not that good.

This picture is utter crap, but I had to really work on the car, and getting this taken was the biggest photo accomplishment I had in me that night.

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