Traveling Graffiti 8/14/09

Moving art, from coast to coast!

Moving art, from coast to coast!

Friday started my weekend of ridiculous busy-ness. The band was playing every day of the weekend, and two of the three gigs were out of town, so there was lots of driving involved. On this day I realized as I was checking my voicemail on my drive to work, that I was not going to have time to go home and change, rather I had to drive straight to the gig to make it on time, as we had an unusually early start. I didn’t take any photos on my lunch break, and only snapped a few out the window in the last fifteen minutes before the gig to try and get anything at all on film – or pixels, whatever. Anyway, you either were going to get some corn, or this graffiti that was on the side of a train which I saw when I got stopped at a rail crossing when I was only about five minutes away from the gig. I know, not much of a choice, but there you go. Sometimes days are like this.

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