Disco Tragedy 8/13/09

Romeo and Juliet at the Disco.  Dig it!

Romeo and Juliet at the Disco. Dig it!

I am finally, FINALLY able to update the blog after being deluged with other projects and activities for a week now! Here’s the first of the images.

Being in the photography club that I joined definitely has its perks. We have an organizer that puts together these amazing field trips where we get access to areas and events that normal humans would never be allowed near with lenses and megapixels. This, for instance is a shot (one of over 600!) that I took at the dress rehearsal for “Romeo and Juliet at the Disco.” It’s even more uber-fab and groovy than it sounds! And the death scene? Still sad, still tragic, still engrossing. I’d love to go back and just watch it without taking photos. Perhaps later I’ll come back with a few other images. You should have seen all the costumes! It was intense – lights and color and roller skates and bellbottoms and sequins and afros. Un-friggin-believable.

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