NaNoWriMo – 50K and nowhere near the finish line

A bit stumped today, kids.  I reached the official NaNoWriMo “win” goal of fifty thousand words yesterday.  That’s great.  That’s awesome.  That’s actually incredibly in line with my goal to have 50K written before Thanksgiving so that I’d be pretty much done with the novel and wouldn’t stress about it over the holiday.

Except I’m not pretty much done.  I don’t even know if I’m half done.

I do know that what I said in the last post is true: it seems like my story started taking off around 40K or something like that, maybe it peeked in around 30K.  I don’t know, but there’s a good bit of story going on now, and I actually have all these little plot points that have to be written, events that have to happen, major s*** to go down, if you know what I mean.

Looks like my plans for a carefree holiday are not what they were, although I don’t have to choose to worry and obsess about it.  I’m going to do my best to just take it as it comes, accepting that I can only do what I can do every day, and that somehow I will finish it, like I finished the sculpture and raced at Bonneville.  I can do this stuff.  Somehow, I can do this.

I’ve been graciously asked to do a guest blog post over at Jamie Grove’s How Not to Write blog.  There will be a much more well thought out blog on this subject up there in a few days.  I’ll post the link here when it happens.  I’m rather excited about it.  It’s a cool opportunity.

4 thoughts on “NaNoWriMo – 50K and nowhere near the finish line

  1. I would take the invitation as a definite confidence boost. Of course you can do it, Tom. The middle is always the hardest part for me. And by the way…WOOO HOOO you made it to 50,000!! That’s awesome!

    I’ll write more later, but until then I will leave you with the words of Sheriff Bart in “Blazing Saddles” – Keep the faith, brothers! (that quote works better than “Where all the white women at?” Oh, so many quotes from that movie)

  2. 50,000? I must be amateur or I just need to cut half my novel. I’m with you Tom. When I hit 50,000 I still had way more to write…and I did. The story was just getting really good at that point, and the best was yet to come. Currently going through the slash and burn process of editing and it’s torture. I get all excited when I cut a whole paragraph somewhere, or even a whole page, only to add more detail or dialogue somewhere else.

    Needless to say, I’m currently looking for someone willing to splurge on a big fat novel from an unknown writer.

    Any suggestions?

  3. Olivia, I’m where you are, man. If you find someone willing to scoop up a fatty novel by an unknown writer ask them if they’re willing to adopt one more.

    Tom, how do I follow your blog? I don’t see a “follow this blog” thingy. I’m so very computer illiterate.

  4. I’ll put up another post here in a minute. I’m still nowhere near the end, and I’ve definitely hit a wall. I’m really stuck. There’s tons more left to the story, but I don’t know how to make it move forward.


    The reason you can’t “follow” my blog is because I’m as bad as you with this stuff. I have no clue how to put that thing up there. I wish I did. There’s a lot I need to learn yet about this stuff. I should get a book on it or something. My degree of noninformity is kind of sad.

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