Yeah, I guess I CAN do that!


You know how we doubt ourselves sometimes? Wait – you don’t? Okay, well here’s how it goes:

1. Tom reads ad online for a reporter/photog wanted to cover car events at O’Reilly Raceway Park
2. Tom thinks, “Hmmm…that sounds pretty cool. I’ve done that before. I know how to do that!”
3. Tom thinks, “Oh, well, they probably need, like, you know, professionals to do the job. I – I’m probably not good enough for that. I don’t know. I haven’t done that in a really long time, not for money, anyway. Not, like, officially. I mean, I have, but, well, it’s been a while. I probably don’t, you know, really know if I can do it.”

That. Like that.

The photo above? That’s what I got when I ignored all the doubting stuff, got my resume together, and then went looking for decent clips to send. There are about a dozen magazines sitting there of stuff I did that is directly related to what the ad asked for! Yeah, right – can’t do the job??? As if!

I sent it off to them. We’ll see. It’s part time, but it would be fun, and it would be nice to be in print again. I’ll keep you informed as to the outcome.

4 thoughts on “Yeah, I guess I CAN do that!

  1. You can do it! You can do it! Go Tom! Go Tom! Think of this as a step towards your independence.

  2. Whoa, that’s a lot of magazines! I think it’s so awesome how you pursued the job.

    I’m not personally familiar with the self-doubt monologues but I know many people who suffer from them, and I hear it can be quite the anxiety inducer.

  3. I am still working on the process for this job. I spoke with the editor briefly last week, and she confirmed that she had my resume and told me she remembered me from when I’d called the previous week. She said there would be calls out to prospects this week. I’ll take it as a general good sign that she didn’t sound particularly annoyed and that she remembered me.

  4. I wanted to ask you what the latest was on that. Wouldn’t it be superb if you heard from her & I heard back from my agent on the same day? Agent Sarah’s only got 6 days left on her self-imposed deadline. The Hot Rod editor (or Hot Roditor as we say here in the land of people who know nothing about car magazines) has set a deadline for herself this week too! COINCIDENCE??? YES!!! But it would still be cool!

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