5 thoughts on “Purple Tree – It’s a redbud!

  1. Yep, too bad they don’t stay like that all summer. I’m not even sure I’ve ever taken particular notice of its blooms until this year, which is part of the reason why I wanted to photograph it. Ridiculous that I ignore such things.

  2. I was hoping someone would chime in with that info. Thanks, Leslie! I had wanted to look it up myself, but didn’t find the time beforehand. I want to take a picture of the other popular tree that I’ve seen blooming a lot around here, the ones that have the whitish-pink/purple flowers, and the blooms are about two or three inches across, big petals. I don’t know what they are, but they look pretty when the petals fall all around the tree.

  3. That sounds like one of the magnolias. There are bushes or trees. Is the one you’re talking about just flowers on the tree and then the leaves? There are also dogwood, but the flowers are smaller, and the tree is shaped differently than the magnolia.

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