Two Kurts

Kurt one, Kurt two

I was over at mom and dad’s tonight, and there was an old black and white photo on the kitchen table. It was of my dad’s parent’s dachshund, Kurtie. Mom and dad’s current pup is also named Kurtie, in honor of Kurt the First. I had dad hold them up for me so that I could catch them together. On the back of the photo grandma had written, “Our dog Kurt of 12 years. Old age took him.” I hope Kurt the second is with us for a good, long time.

(Note: I have said for several years that I wanted to get a dachshund and name it Kurtie. Apparently, this was a genius idea to the point that my parents stole it!!!)

3 thoughts on “Two Kurts

  1. I know! I loved Kurt the First when I was little. We never had a dog, so that was the one dog that I ever got to play with back then. I’m so glad they have one now!

  2. I like what your Grandma wrote on the back of the picture. Like a little story.

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