Tools of the trade


I am at once both ashamed and proud of this photo. I built the bench that these clamps lie on. I have also purchased every single one of these clamps since I took that steel fabrication sculpture class just – what – one month ago? This is but a small sampling of where a large portion of my spare (and not so spare) cash has been going. Yet, I tell you that I need every one of these, and I’m sure at some point in the not too distant future I will find myself in a situation where every single one of them is in use and I’m saying, “If only I had one more!”

I’m a little concerned about these expenditures, but it seems to be what I really want right now. I think this is part of what they call following your muse. I’ll let you know if it starts to get out of hand. More than likely, if it does, you’ll see it here before I realize I’m in it.

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