On (not!) saving rocks



There is this bucket of smithereens in my shop area. A bit before Christmas my 4-year-old nephew was down there looking at my rolling ball sculpture stuff. He saw this bucket and asked, “Uncle Tom, why are you saving those rocks?” I laughed, because, quite obviously, I was not saving them! They were trash, leftovers from a (de)construction project that dad had helped me with way back two or three years ago when we had made some work space for me in the basement. I mean, yeah, I’d had them for…several…years….but…..I……wasn’t………uh……..saving…………them.

I thought about it, and realized no traveling smithereen-removers were going to come to my home, knock on my door, and ask if they could remove any detritus from buckets that were definitely NOT being saved in work areas in my home. Little by little I will now begin putting portions of it into my trash on a weekly basis to get rid of it, because I am most definitely NOT saving it! It, um, just took a while to, you know, do stuff.

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